
Against the "Good Image" in Favor of Personal Vision

The Problem with Archetypes

A specter is haunting landscape photography - the specter of Ansel Adams.

- Marx & Engels, probably

Bad variations on The Communist Manifesto aside I want to take some time in this piece to deal with an approach to image making that I find to be alarmingly prevalent as well as what I take to be the problematic aspects of it (or at least it should feel problematic if you care about anything but copy and paste photography).

The approach that I’m talking about is the kind of formulaic approach that seems to be especially prevalent among landscape photographers. You know what I mean, or if you don’t then start paying attention for the following and you’ll start to see it: So much of the landscape photography milieu seems to approach the process of image making the way one might go about building a house. One begins with a blueprint, and then sets about constructing a house on the basis of the framework outlined by the blueprint. A good photograph just becomes that photograph which most closely approximates the “blueprint.”

The blueprint here is what I will call the archetype. More concretely there is an archetype containing the ideal set of properties which comprise the “good landscape image.” This archetype covers everything from subject matter, to lighting, to compositional elements and beyond. All the would-be landscape photographer has to do is assemble their image following the steps delineated by the archetype, and just like that one has themselves a “nice photograph.” These archetypes are largely the collective aesthetic(s) established by the “past masters” of landscape photography. This is also what I mean to imply by the specter of Ansel Adams (to be fair one could substitute Michael Kenna, David Muench, et al to make the same point).

The problematic part of this approach, at least for me personally (a lot of people seem totally happy with this copy and paste approach as far as I can tell), is that these images are more often than not entirely empty as anything other than a recapitulation of the same basic archetype. Have you ever wondered why so much landscape work looks like it could have all been made by some small handful of people? This formulaic approach/the archetype is what leads to the monstrous cliche that is most landscape work. Everyone ends up making the same image because they are all working off the same basic archetype that informs their decisions about what makes a “good image.”

Even more troublesome than this is the fact that this recreation of the archetypal landscape image too often becomes the end in itself. The point of making photographs becomes, well, to make “good photographs,” as defined by the archetypes! Photographs as the end in itself. Rather than any compelling engagement with the subject matter (which many of the greats actually did) and the subsequent creation of genuinely meaningful work that comes from that meaningful engagement with one’s subject matter, we enter a realm in which the sole aim of photography becomes the empty repetition of these archetypes. We are inundated with images which, while certainly technically proficient, say nothing. And this is the deeper problem with the tyranny of the “nice photograph.” It empties photography of its meaningful potential, obliterates the capacity to do meaningful work.

Archetypes: A Personal Story

In the interest of not coming off as completely arrogant and condescending I do want to make it clear that this issue is something that I myself have struggled with off and on over the years, even as recently as, well, currently.

The earliest instances of my own personal struggles with this issue date back to my very first forays into photography. I, like most people that are just picking up a camera and thinking about taking photography seriously, often felt overwhelmed by all the creative decisions surrounding the kind of images I was going to make. I knew that photographing nature was important to me. So I naturally began digesting all of the landscape work that I could find on sites like Flickr, 500px, Instagram, even YouTube, looking for work that I found appealing, inspiring, etc..

And indeed perusing all of this work certainly gave me a kind of aesthetic foothold and helped me have a better idea of the kind of images that I would work on making. And so I did just that. And this “aesthetic foothold” gave me a target to work toward in order to hone my skills and grow as a photographer. But as I kept working it wasn’t too terribly long before I began to feel that something was amiss. To me it began to feel that there wasn’t really anything deeper to the images that I was making outside the project of making images that fit this arbitrary archetype of what I had taken to be a “good landscape image.” They may have been nice photographs but they were essentially meaningless copies of an abstract ideal, devoid of any deeper meaning.

Upon this realization there were two options. I could stay the course or radically rethink my approach to making photographs. Staying the course felt entirely too inauthentic to me, and I chose to really step back and think about my work in a deeper way. To think about what it really was that I wanted to say and do with my images and work on saying and doing those very things in my photographs rather than just repeating the same empty archetypes. To forge and express my own personal vision rather than the visions set for me by received aesthetics. This realization and the following changes that came about because of it have been some of the biggest breakthroughs that I have had in my time making photos.

So, What of Archetypes, then?

In conclusion I do think there is a place for this archetype approach. It’s just that I personally think the reliance on archetypes should serve a pedagogical function for new photographers as they learn to perfect their technical skills and get a feel for their own personal aesthetic. The archetype gives the new photographer a target to aim at before they have begun to tackle these larger issues for themselves. But they should ultimately be left behind in time as one grows as an artist, the way one eventually stops having to consult recipes when making their favorite meal. To cling to them rather than letting them go as you explore your own personal approach is only to place a limit on your own potential growth. The point from this essay to integrate into your practice is this: Do not repeat archetypes, create your own.

Square Photography: On Shaking Things Up

I’d like to take some time in this post to reflect on some practical benefits of shaking things up. In this instance I want to talk a bit about my experience shooting square format images and some of the primary benefits that I have personally seen from the shift to shooting exclusively square format images for a short period of time. It is also my hope that perhaps similar practices might work for shaking up your own photographic processes and lead to growth as they have for me.

As some brief background: I have always had something of a love-hate relationship with square format. On the one hand, I have always had an immense respect for well done square images. There is a certain balance and elegance to a well composed image in a square frame. In addition to this there is, to me, a certain kind of contemplativeness to the medium. Well done square images almost call to be considered, as a work of art should be. For example, I have always admired the work of Michael Kenna for these features (among others), not to mention a number of other primarily square format shooters who do beautiful work with the format that I have enjoyed following over the years. So this fondness for the medium has always informed the “love” side of the relationship.

But on the other hand the square frame has always felt like my Achilles’ heel when it comes to the various image formats. It seemed that no matter how many times I tried to head out with the explicit goal of making square images the resulting work always felt like some of my weakest. Every time I tried to make a photograph and fit it inside a square frame the result just felt weak, awkward, etc.. As a result I would usually end up switching back to shooting rectangles after what felt like a few failed frames and that would be the end of that, my frustration (or hate depending on the day) with the medium freshened.

And so there has always been this tension between my love of well executed work in the format and my frustration with my own (many!) failed attempts to work within it. I think it was ultimately this tension that motivated me to spend the month of August 2018 forcing myself to shoot only square images. I figured that the only way I was going to learn how to work with the format would be by limiting myself exclusively to it. This way I could no longer fail a few times, become frustrated, and fall back into what was comfortable by shooting more rectangles.

To my own surprise I did find that after several outings forcing myself to work exclusively with the format I slowly began to start assembling some square format work that I no longer felt were total failures. I actually began to feel that my square work was some of the strongest work I had been able to produce in a while, another surprise!

After some recent reflection on this I think that the largest reason for this change in the strength of my images had to do with the fact that switching from a rectangular format to square format forced me to rethink many of my decisions/habits/etc as I went about assembling images. Shooting square, I had to think much more carefully about my compositional choices for the first time in a while (I am a bit ashamed to admit this). But this more careful or thoughtful approach that I had to focus on as a way to try and hone my aptitude with the medium was what led to growth in my skills and ultimately to stronger images.

After a month or so of square shooting I did ultimately go back to shooting my usual format(s), but the more thoughtful approach to composition was something that I found I had kept with me. Granted, I ultimately shot square format because it was a medium that I felt I was weak in and wanted to work to hone my skills in a medium that I respected. But nevertheless this shift in my standard process had the effect of shaking things up and leading to some positive benefits.

And this is the real importance that I want to point to in “shaking things up.” The practice of changing up our approach to making images, in this case by forcing ourselves into a practice that is markedly different from our usual approach, is a good way of shocking the system, so to speak. These “shocks to the system” are beneficial. They force us to rethink our approaches in ways that can lead us to growth. For me it was shooting squares and being forced to confront challenges of composition, building skills that I was able to then take into the rest of my work.

Whatever way you may decide to shake up your own workflow, I think it is certainly a valuable exercise that should be considered if you are looking to grow as a photographer.

Why photography? A brief reflection on medium

“Why photography?” is a question that I have not spent a lot of time thinking about over the last two or three years of my foray into the medium. But the overwhelming amount of my “artistic output” takes place through it, and yet, for some reason, I have never reflected on why that is.

I will say that to be quite honest, despite my waxing and waning interest in photography over the years, it is a domain of art that I have never spent a lot of time studying the same way one might study the history and the past masters of painting, sculpture, music, etc.. I know very little about “the greats” (aside from the four or five that I find resonant) and I have always engaged with photography in a more personal and private manner. So, the urge to dive a bit deeper into the reasons behind what seems to have largely become my medium of choice (next to poetry/prose but that will have to be another piece) seemed like an interesting avenue to explore. Without further ado:

Outlining the working conclusion that I have come to also requires expanding a bit on the motivating factors behind most of what I do. Those of you that have been following closely will have probably already heard much of the motivation behind my work but for those who have not, a crash course seems like a pre-requisite for a proper engagement with the reasons behind photography as my dominant medium of choice.

Questions like “Why do I do what I do? What am I going for with this?” are some of the ones that I have asked myself frequently in my (seemingly) unending attempt to clarify, understand, and generally get a grasp on the deeper forces at work behind these things that I dedicate so much of my time to. After visiting these questions again and again one starts to distill some more lasting answers.

The most pertinent one that I have come back to over time is that in all of my photographic work I am attempting to express, as well as I can, a certain kind of spiritual, religious, or mystical experience. And, over and above expressing this experience in a photograph (when I get it right!), it is an attempt to establish a means by which to share that experience.

I think it is also this aspect of attempting to share an experience and/or a perspective and a photograph’s unique ability to do so that has led to it holding such a central place in my work. A photograph allows me to give a viewer the ability to step into my perspective, or to have a glimpse into my experience in a very unique way, it allows a viewer to quite literally see as I saw.

It is this capability of a photograph to give someone the ability to in some sense “step into” these experiences and perspectives, that I wish to share, to “see as I saw,” that is so important to me about photography as a medium for my work. In capturing my experience of a tree, a river, or a mountain, and in being able to share that experience with someone in a photograph I am able to, with any luck, share a way of seeing and thinking about the world and ourselves which is deeply important to me.