We’re in the midst of a little cold snap here in Northwest Montana. Yesterday morning it was -6 degrees Fahrenheit (-21C), which I will honestly take over the sustained -20F we had last winter. My wife is also sick so we’ve both been holed up inside lately (not that outdoor recreation is all that fun in sub-zero conditions). However, we did run out of Sudafed so I took the opportunity to get out of the house and move around by walking to the pharmacy in town to pick up some more.
I’ve been shooting the 50mm a lot and decided a short walk through town would be a good opportunity to switch things up and grabbed the 28 to throw on the front of the Leica. If you haven’t noticed already I tend to waffle about on lens choices lately. “Do I shoot a 50? Sure, but also the 28 is kinda fun to shoot. But, then again the 40mm is kind of a nice middle ground maybe I should just shoot that…” So, moved by this healthy dose of indecision and heavily bundled I headed out the door.
The first few frames back with the 28 are always jarring. You know, that, “Damn, that’s a lot of stuff in the frame” experience. But after a few shots it starts to come back. It was also nice to get out and around town and make some images in that environment. It’s been a while since I’ve pointed a camera at anything but trees and bushes so getting back to making images in a more everyday context was nice and a reminder that I need to keep doing it. I have the beginnings of a body of work that I would at some point like to transform in to a book and it requires me shooting more images of everyday life.
Below is a small selection of other images made on that short walk. All shot with the M262 and the TTA 28/5.6