It’s somehow February already, I’m not sure when that happened. I guess somewhere around 9 days ago. On the photo front it’s been a few weeks since I’ve taken a camera with me on a walk. Saturday morning we took a walk in the local park with the pup to get everyone out of the house and before walking out the door I opted to grab the M262 (with the Zeiss Planar already on the front of the camera), just to see what happened.
We’ve had a decent amount of snowfall recently and my wife suggested that maybe I would find a more wintery landscape more inspiring (if I already struggle to shoot in snow what could be better than, uh, more snow). I can’t say that I was suddenly inspired by the extra snowy landscape, but, I did come to a certain realization that one of the things I struggle with in terms of making images in the winter is the “minimalizing” effect of the snow. It’s not a secret that I have a thing for rich, complex scenes. And I think I struggle with the simplification that takes place in the imagery when much of the scene becomes covered in a uniform white substance. But knowing what you don’t like is a clue as to how to find what you do like. So it was still an illuminating epiphany (is there another kind?) that helped me conceptualize what was happening in the imagery that I didn’t like and how to work around those factors to come up with imagery that still felt interesting and compelling to me rather than overly minimalist.
Continuing a trend that’s been rolling along for a while now I shot everything in color, with full intention of keeping the images in color, which is an interesting change in retrospect. Anyways, enough rambling. Below is a collection of images from the walk, enjoy!