As has become the trend throughout this winter, I have not been shooting much. Lots of walking and skiing, but not a lot of photography. It feels too early but winter feels like it’s starting to come to a close. We’ve had a pretty dismal year as far as snowfall goes and the last couple weeks have seen a string of highs at or above 50 degrees. Snow in the valley has been pretty well decimated and it’s looking more and more like a rapid onset of spring. You never know in Montana though. There is a common term that gets thrown around here, “The Spring of Deception,” which refers to the short spurts of warm weather we sometimes get before being plunged back in to the depths of winter for a little longer. I personally wouldn’t mind this, but I’m skeptical that it’s true this year. All this aside, you’re probably not here for a NW Montana weather report.
Are scratched negatives part of the film aesthetic?
The morning of the 27th of February we took a walk in a local park near our house and I decided to grab my grandpa’s old Minolta XD5 and the 28mm. I’ve shot through all of my Kentmere 100 so I grabbed some Kentmere 400 and headed out the door. As always, shooting the 28 when you haven’t in a bit is a real mindfuck. I kept finding myself standing 10-15 feet too far back from the scenes I was trying to photograph. Alas, I pressed on. I can’t say I was all that stoked about what I was doing while I was out there but after developing I think there were some winners here and there.
Below is a sampling of photos from that morning walk for your enjoyment